Style Guide
An overview of all base components used in Dane
Headline 0 | size - 16vw; line - 1.3-
Headline H1 | size - 120px; line - 130px
design blocks
Headline H2 | size - 96px; line - 100px
Make your
design workflow
Headline H3 | size - 72px; line - 80px
Faster and
more efficient
Headline H4 | size - 64px; line - 70px
Stylish and
playful layouts
Headline H5 | size - 48px; line - 60px
Perfectly crafted
for your ideal website
Headline H6 | size - 36px; line - 48px
Modular designs
Description 1 | size - 28px; line - 34px
Stylish and playful layouts for beautiful adaptive landings
Description 2 | size - 24px; line - 30px
Stylish and playful layouts for beautiful adaptive landings
Body 20 | size - 20px; line - 28px
Stylish and playful layouts for beautiful adaptive landings
Body 18 | size - 18px; line - 26px
Stylish and playful layouts for beautiful adaptive landings
Body 16 | size - 16px; line - 24px
Stylish and playful layouts for beautiful adaptive landings
Body 14 | size - 14px; line - 22px
Stylish and playful layouts for beautiful adaptive landings
Body 12 | size - 12px; line - 20px
Stylish and playful layouts for beautiful adaptive landings
Primaries and grays controlled by the Global Swatch feature.
Slate Gray
Mist: #E2E2E2
Jet Black
Base Headings
An ideal fourth-based modular type scale with a ratio of 1.3333. Headings, body and other common text elements.
Heading One
Heading Two
Heading Three
Heading Four
Heading Five
Heading Six
"Block Quote"Underline Link
Small Text
Image Caption
Uppercase Text
Uppercase Text Small
Component, text style and size variations
Main Buttons
General style and state variations for text inputs.
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Labeled Input
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Form Selectables
Styling for checkboxes, selects and radios.
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