About us

At the core of our mission lies a dedication to leveraging technology to dismantle intricacies and make the seemingly complex, effortlessly comprehensible.

Our mission centers on providing intuitive tools and user-friendly interfaces, allowing everyone to navigate business complexities confidently through technology.

Meet the founders

Lana Ortega

Jenna Ace

Our values

Unleash your impact

Engage in lasting work that transcends time. We reward impactful contributions and build for the long term, ensuring a lasting impact on the world.

Customer-centric growth

Focus on customers first, believing that growing their business is the key to our own.

Cultivating calm determination

In our environment, kindness prevails. We work quietly, listen more than talk, and value diverse perspectives.

Create abundance

Create a bigger pie for ourselves, customers, and the world. We foster abundance and contribute to greater prosperity for everyone.

your growth

Join Yedi and unlock the future of your bussiness